Monday, March 7, 2016

Need a Criminal Lawyer?

A criminal charge is a serious matter. Never forfeit your right to counsel. After an arrest, contact your attorney immediately to begin working on your defense, and protect yourself from the legal system.

When To Call A Personal Injury Lawyer

There’s nothing fun about receiving an injury. They are not only painful, but also incredibly expensive, even after you have left the hospital. In fact, the highest cost of an injury often comes from the loss of income due to an inability to work. If you believe your injury may have been the result of the negligence of another party, then you may be entitled to compensation.

Who Is at Fault?

Working with a personal injury lawyer, you will be able to make a case against the person or business directly at fault for your injury. The most common civil offense in an injury case is negligence, which can include:

• Improper signage for health hazards
• Poorly maintained premises
• Insufficient safety procedures
• Emotional harassment

Your attorney will be able to work within the legal system to secure the financial compensation that the courts rule you are owed. Lawsuits exist to protect the individual from bearing the financial brunt of an injury that could have been avoided.

If medical bills and loss of income have left you with nowhere else to to turn, then it is time to pursue a civil case to receive justice. If you feel like you are owed financial compensation for a recent injury, contact a personal injury attorney in Lumberton to get started on your case today.

Friday, March 4, 2016

What to Do If Someone Has Been Injured On Your Property

If someone suffers an injury on your property, you may be liable for damages, depending on whether the injury occurred as a result of your negligence toward ensuring safe conditions for visitors. To determine this, the plaintiff will need to prove a few things.

1. The property owner knew about the dangerous conditions.

As property owner, you have a responsibility to regularly inspect the premises for dangerous conditions. Foreseeable risks include wet floors, insufficient lighting and defective staircases. If an accident was unforeseeable, as in the example of an intoxicated visitor spilling a drink and shortly thereafter slipping on the liquid, then you may not be liable.

2. The property owner could have corrected the problem but did not.

When conditions are discovered to be dangerous, you must either effect repairs or provide adequate warning. Circumstances may determine if you had reasonable opportunity to do so. For example, a trespasser, who enters without permission or notice, may be owed no assurances of safe conditions. The exception would be if the trespasser is a child. A property owner may be responsible for any conditions that could foreseeably endanger children, such as an unsecured swimming pool, whether or not the children enter lawfully.

3. The plaintiff suffered an injury.

The plaintiff must prove that an injury resulted from conditions that caused the accident. Medical experts may be called upon to determine the validity of any claim. Premises liability cases are often complicated due to the necessity of proof, requiring experienced legal counsel to successfully navigate. For more information on selecting a premises liability attorney in Clinton, visit this website.

Brutal Impact

This chilling image illustrates the first few shattering seconds of a serious accident. To pick up the pieces and face the aftermath with assistance, contact an injury lawyer.

Reasons To Look At All Your Options After A Loved One Has Passed

When a loved one passes unexpectedly, you may feel overcome by a feeling of helplessness. During this time of vulnerability, it is important to remember that you have options in coping with the aftermath. A wrongful death attorney can ease you through the process of pursuing your due compensation.

Counting the Costs

The loss is, first of all, emotionally devastating, but the toll does not stop there. If the deceased had family or other dependents to support, then they are further burdened financially.

Damages may include:

 loss of income
 loss of benefits
 loss or reduction of retirement pensions
 reduction in prospective inheritance
 loss of any care or services provided by the deceased
 funeral and burial expenses
 medical costs if the death did not occur immediately
 unpaid debts passed on to the family

Furthermore, the unquantifiable pain and suffering, loss of companionship and loss of parental guidance can have lasting repercussions.

Determining Wrongful Death

A wrongful death suit can help those left behind recover damages to ease their hardship. If the death was the result of another person’s negligence, then an effective attorney can make sure the responsible party is held accountable.

Wrongful death may cover any of the following:

 car accidents
 medical malpractice
 defective products
 unsafe premises
 improperly supervised activity

No amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one, but the right legal support can make sure you are properly taken care of. For further assistance in finding a wrongful death attorney in Jacksonville, visit this website.

Experts available to discuss legal aspects of the Apple, FBI, iPhone encryption legal battle

The American Bar Association can refer news reporters to legal experts available to speak about the various legal angles surrounding a federal judge ordering Apple to help the FBI bypass the more

How Right-of-Way Rules Apply in the Case of Bicycles

Good for fitness and great for the environment, biking is one of the cleanest ways to get around. The roads unfortunately are not always safe for bicyclists, and when an accident occurs, it is important to know your rights.

The Cyclist’s Rights

In most states, bicycles have the same rights as automobiles on the road. They are permitted use of the roadway, regardless of whether there is a bike lane present. It doesn’t matter that they might be going much slower than other vehicles. Cyclists are generally required to stay on the right side of the road but may cross into the center or left in order to make a turn or avoid a hazard.

The Motorist’s Responsibility

One of the most dangerous situations is at a right turn. If the bicycle is continuing straight on, the law requires that the motorist yield the right of way before turning. It is the driver’s responsibility to check the mirrors and blind spot for any cyclists. Serious injuries may also occur when drivers open doors into the paths of cyclists, sideswipe or rear-end bicycles when passing or even simply yell or honk. Motorists must respect that a car has far greater mass and can accelerate much more quickly than any bicycles sharing the road.

Collecting on Your Share to the Road

When accidents occur, the cyclist is almost never at fault. If the roads are not on your side, make sure to enlist strong legal representation that is. For help finding an effective bicycle accident attorney in Jacksonville, visit this website.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

These images communicate both the elements that can lead to accidents and the distress that occurs as a result of them. Learn about taking precautions to drive safely, and contact an injury lawyer if you have suffered an accident.

Was Your Child Hurt On The Field? Why You Should Hire A Lawyer

No parent wants to imagine their child being injured, but when it happens, you need every resource to help. If your child was seriously hurt on the field during a sports game or practice, one of your first steps should be hiring a personal injury attorney to ensure you can get and afford the necessary medical care.

Documenting the Scene

An attorney can investigate the scene to document the facts at the time of the injury, including having private investigators take photographs and collect witness statements. These details may be key in a suit against an insurance agency or other parties.

Experience and Knowledge

Lawyers with experience in child medicine will know what tactics are required to get the best outcomes. Expediting the legal process will ensure your child gets the medical and legal care needed, when it's needed.

Handling the Paperwork

Medical reports and insurance claims can be extremely complicated, and you need to be there for your child, not filling out forms and doing accounting. Your attorney can take care of the paperwork and assist in figuring out what funds will be required for the initial treatment and any rehabilitation therapy.

By hiring a lawyer when your child sustains a serious injury, you can help get the best possible care. See this link for more about hiring a spinal cord injury lawyer in Wilmington.

Judge throws out toughest criminal charges against former Dewey leaders as prosecutors' case shrinks

A judge has thrown out the most serious charges—the only ones calling for mandatory prison time—against two former leaders of Dewey & LeBoeuf, after two others in the firm have already received deferred more

3 Things To Always Look For In An Injury Lawyer

When you or someone in your family is injured in an accident due to someone else's negligence, a lawyer may be able to get you compensation for the medical costs and other damages. To make the right decision when choosing a personal injury attorney, be sure to look for the following traits.

Track Record

Whatever the specific nature of your case, you want a lawyer with experience with such situations, who has a proven history of success in similar cases.


Your attorney should be in good standing with the local bar association as well as the community overall. Also look for someone who will be honest with you. Don't put your faith in anyone who unequivocally guarantees success, or who can't clearly explain your options to you.


Your lawyer should always be upfront with you about legal costs and expenses, so you know from the start what you're getting into. Attorneys working on contingency fees only get paid in successful cases, in which case the fee will come from your settlement. Make sure you know what percentage the lawyer expects, and the predicted value of a potential settlement.

By looking for a lawyer with experience and integrity, you can find someone to trust with your case. See this link for more about hiring a personal injury attorney in Clinton.