One of the most common and serious injuries that can be caused through impact to the head is a brain injury. Unfortunately, for many people, brain injuries can be overlooked by their doctors. Not to mention, it is common for symptoms to clear up only to resurface later on. If you're concerned that you may have suffered a brain injury, here are the three types of brain injuries to keep in mind.

Mild Brain Injury

A mild brain injury is generally described as any injury to the head that leads to unconsciousness lasting less than thirty minutes. This isn't the only factor, however. Mild injuries can include:

• Excessive Sleep
• Mood Changes
• Sensory problems
• Seizures
• Nausea
• Coordination Problems

Moderate to Severe Brain Injuries

Usually, when a brain injury is moderate or severe, it is more difficult for the patient to not notice the symptoms. Here is what to look for:

• Dilated pupils
• Habitual nausea
• Confusion
• Difficulty speaking
• Severe irritability
• Clear fluid draining from ears or nose

Brain Injuries With Delayed Symptoms

An injury to the brain where the symptoms do not show at first is not uncommon. Sometimes, directly following an accident, you may have no symptoms at all. They can develop days to weeks later.

If you suffer from any of these injuries, then a personal injury case could help compensate you. If you're interested in more information about a brain injury lawyer in Wilmington, visit this website.